For a sunny future -

HORIZON solar folding roof 


Plan your project now!

 «A contemporary and sustainable energy production over already used industrial and traffic areas - that is what dhp is committed to. We are helping to build the energy and mobility revolution and, together with our partners, are shaping a CO₂-free energy supply

Gian Andri Diem, Co-Founder & Managing Partner
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Contribution to the energy transition

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News 2.01.2024

New online solar calculator for solar folding roof projects

Der neue dhp Online-Solarrechner automatisiert den Prozess und bietet sekundenschnell Resultate, die aufzeigen, ob sich die vorgesehene Fläche für ein Solarfaltdach eignet. Im Hintergrund werden auf Basis der eingegebenen Googlemaps-Koordinaten und der PVGIS-Schnittstelle Einstrahlungsdaten generiert. Der Rechner gibt dann Werte aus wie die installierbare Leistung in kWp, den Systempreis und den jährlichen Stromertrag in MWh.

Artikel lesen
New online solar calculator for solar folding roof projects
News 1.11.2023

Neuwied sewage treatment plant wins German Solar Prize 2023

Servicebetriebe Neuwied in Rhineland-Palatinate win the "German Solar Prize 2023" with the foldable solar system from dhp technology. "The lighthouse concept encourages the municipal implementation of renewable energies," was the jury's verdict.

Artikel lesen
Neuwied sewage treatment plant wins German Solar Prize 2023
News 22.08.2023

45 solar folding roofs for motorway rest areas

22.08.2023: aventron and the companies BG Ingenieure und Berater, Cargo sous terrain and dhp technology are joining forces to equip a total of 45 FEDRO motorway rest areas in French-speaking Switzerland and the cantons of Valais and Bern with innovative photovoltaic systems.

Artikel lesen
45 solar folding roofs for motorway rest areas
SFD ausfahren_EWS_ARA Reinach_0049-klein

Our product


HORIZON solar folding roof

The HORIZON solar folding roof is unique worldwide. It enables the full dual use of industrial floor space for solar power production. The primary use is not restricted in any way. This not only protects the soil and space, but also increases the economic efficiency of the area through the use of synergies.

Auf Dach Arbeiten

Solar folding roof

Our services

From development to factory handover and service: We offer you everything from a single source. At our own production site in Zizers/Graubünden, Switzerland, we develop, manufacture and plan your customised solar folding roof project.

We are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

Are you ready to manage the energy future with an innovative solution?


Besichtigung ARA Reinach

Experience HORIZON

Guided tours of the solar folding roof

Experience the solar folding roof live and in action - directly on a sewage treatment plant or parking area. Because nothing is more valuable than personal contact to gain your own impressions and get answers to individual questions.

Popular areas of application

Whether car parks, logistics areas or sewage treatment plants - any industrial usable space can become a solar power plant & energy hub with the solar folding roof. This is possible without any restriction on the primary use.

ARA Glarnerland-2
Kronberg Parking_3-klein
LKW Kronberg

Thanks to HORIZON, sewage treatment plants become self-sufficient in energy and increase the yield of their plant.

Learn more 

HORIZON offers smart energy solutions for the successful management of car parks.

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With HORIZON, expensive logistics space is used more economically.

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Realisierte Projekte

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

What our customers say

dhp HORIZON Faltdachmechanismus_eingefahren_lowRes
Select to translate

«The glass-free solar panels, stainless steel moving parts and galvanised support structure hold up well over the filled septic tanks. The roof retracts and extends as it should and covers 20% of our electricity needs, as expected.»

Curdin Hedinger, Operations Manager WWTP Chur
(Commissioning of the first solar folding roof in 2017/18)

To the reference

«WWTP Morgental is also a power plant and the new solar folding roof fits perfectly with our strategy. When the sun shines, we have solar power and can save the gas for bad weather or the night. It all runs automatically. We are very satisfied and can only recommend the solar folding roof.»

Roland Boller, Managing Director WWTP Morgental

To the reference

«dhp technology does a great job - from acquisition to installation. If the commissioning and aftersales also work so well, I'm speechless.»

Roman Bieri, Operations Manager WWTP Langmatt

To the reference
News 2.01.2024

New online solar calculator for solar folding roof projects

Der neue dhp Online-Solarrechner automatisiert den Prozess und bietet sekundenschnell Resultate, die aufzeigen, ob sich die vorgesehene Fläche für ein Solarfaltdach eignet. Im Hintergrund werden auf Basis der eingegebenen Googlemaps-Koordinaten und der PVGIS-Schnittstelle Einstrahlungsdaten generiert. Der Rechner gibt dann Werte aus wie die installierbare Leistung in kWp, den Systempreis und den jährlichen Stromertrag in MWh.

Read more
New online solar calculator for solar folding roof projects
News 1.11.2023

Neuwied sewage treatment plant wins German Solar Prize 2023

Servicebetriebe Neuwied in Rhineland-Palatinate win the "German Solar Prize 2023" with the foldable solar system from dhp technology. "The lighthouse concept encourages the municipal implementation of renewable energies," was the jury's verdict.

Read more
Neuwied sewage treatment plant wins German Solar Prize 2023
News 22.08.2023

45 solar folding roofs for motorway rest areas

22.08.2023: aventron and the companies BG Ingenieure und Berater, Cargo sous terrain and dhp technology are joining forces to equip a total of 45 FEDRO motorway rest areas in French-speaking Switzerland and the cantons of Valais and Bern with innovative photovoltaic systems.

Read more
45 solar folding roofs for motorway rest areas

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